Greater Portland Chapter
of the
Maine Genealogical Society
Our Purpose
To promote and encourage interest and research
in genealogy and family history
2025 Officers
L-R: Margaret Perkins, Diane Holden, Gray Stabley,
Lois Knight, Stephen Pelsue, Star Pelsue
Who We Are
Welcome to our genealogy community! We are a friendly group that meets at 1 pm on the first Saturday of every month September through June (except December). Meetings are in person and via Zoom except the winter sessions (January, February, and March) which are Zoom only. You'll find us at the First Congregational Church UCC, 301 Cottage Road, South Portland. All meetings are free and open to the public.
We look forward to seeing you!
Member Blogs and Websites
Gray Stabley -
Don Taylor -
Craig Suilinski -
Robert Roy - and
Surname List researched by our Members
Albert - Berry - Boyle - Cameron - Carver - Danforth - Dellamano - Deveau - Dunham - Emerson
Farmer - Flanders - Gagnon - Holden - Kimball - Lovegrove - Lovejoy - Lunt - MacLennan/McLennan
McIver - Manning - Merrill - Moody - Morrison - Otis - Porter - Preston - Ragnoli - Reed
Siulinski - Thompson - Turner - Webster - Whittier - Willey - Winslow - Woodman - Young
Photos of our Ancestors